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GISOL board allows a GSC-3000 to connect to any low voltage telemetry
signal either positive or negative ground isolating it from any other
channel. No more worrying about interaction between grounds or not
monitoring DC powered microwave systems due to positive grounds. Any low
voltage, either polarity, will work nicely.
Inputs can be between -12 V and
+12v with unity gain throughput.
Each input channel is electrically isolated from any other
Each input is differential so
isolated from ground or any other channel’s inputs.
for the active circuitry is taken from the remote control unit over the
supplied DB37 pin cable, no power supply is required


GOPTO status board allows either a GSC-3000 or a VRC-2000 series control
to monitor status with either a low voltage signal, either AC or DC or a
contact closure or GPO (open collector). And it can do this on a channel
by channel basis, allowing you to choose the best way to configure your
remote control. When a voltage is used a convenient LED status light
will light too…
Inputs can be between 3 V and 30 V DC, 5v and 24 Vac, or contact
closure. Selected on individual channels via header plug jumpers.
LED status light on
board for either AC or DC voltage modes.
Power for each channel is
derived from the DC/AC voltage input, no power supply needed.

Common to
both units.
units are fuse protected on both leads, protecting both the boards
themselves and the Burk or Gentner units. Each input has it’s own
individual pluggable terminal block which allows changing from one
channel to the other for ease of install and trouble shooting.
16 channels each with
individual, unplugable terminal header plugs. Allows quick disconnection
or reconfiguration of input wiring by simply moving interface plugs. No
need to unscrew wires from terminal block to remove unit or change to
another channel input.
Fused inputs on both hot and
return legs. For protection of Opto input circuit
2 RU (3 ½ inch) rack panel
form factor.
Interface connects via DB37 pin
connectors and are pin for pin plug compatible with 16 channel Gentner/
Burk GSC3000 and GRC2000 series remote control units.
Each input channel electrically
isolated from any other channel.
and Gentner, GSC-3000 and VRC-2000 are trademarks of Burk Electronics.