Krohe Electronics Corp |
Welcome! Krohe Electronics provides consulting services and specialized products for Broadcast stations and equipment manufacturers since the 1980s. Our clients include several broadcast groups, individual stations and equipment manufacturers. The links to the right will direct you to some of our products and services. Burk and Gentner Accessories: Krohe Electronics manufactures aftermarket interface boards for the Burk VRC-2500 and GSC-3000 remote control systems. GOPTO-1 The GOPTO-1 is a status interface unit providing for either optically isolated voltage or contact closure inputs on a channel by channel basis. GISOL-1 The GISOL-1 is a metering interface unit providing for an isolated ground for each metering channel. This allows for the use of either negative or positive grounded metering inputs on a channel by channel basis. Krohe Electronics strongly supports our local chapter of the Society of Broadcast Engineers, Kansas chapter #3. Electronic mail General Information: Sales: Support: Engineering: engineering@krohe.comWebmaster:
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